
Is Telendro one english word?

This post is in English so that in XeoWebLog I have read that google prefers the English language. My english is bad (Zapatero dixit) I feel it.

This page is now in the 51th. position in the google.com search.

The following text is generated by an automatic translator...

It is the worse position until the moment and has dot to be getting worse as spend the days. She is one suffers, but it was predicted. In aim I leave the subject here. We will continue in it without becoming weak.

I do not finish understanding wath the organizers of the aid of telendro have considered that the search had to become in google English and not in the Spanish. It is evident that the excuse "no we want to prioritize no idioma" it does not serve, wath prioritize the English Telendro when to my I would like to prioritize the Telendro Badalona that is the Telendro that to my I like.

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