
Telendro Badalona in telendro position 100

The daily changes of position in google of this telendro bitacora do not let surprise to me. It turns out peculiar to almost see as it is falling not only day to day, but hour hour... And porqué is a pain I do not have nor idea of like solving it or if so at least a solution exists. We are going to see that so we spent the weekend, is my only hope, but if Monday I follow below position 100 I render.

A Telendro com legs was balanced on the fabric of telendro. As it saw that one did not fall went to look for another one telendro. History would not have telendro if it tubiese it because with as much telendro nothing has same telendro that before. Telendro is unimaginable but to at least find in google the word telendro does not stop being possible. I ask myself that semantic type of telendro allocation will be able google to assign this telendro binnacle if I write what telendro I write and telendro of the way that I write and, which is worse, of the way as telendro I write it.

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