
A little telendro badalona in English.

In telendro of badalona of whose name better I do not decide to me, a called gentleman lived telendro that lived in Badalona. All the telendritos and telendrones thought that to mister telendro it was not well of the head. Imagine you telendro badalona taking a walk by the street? And badalona telendro in a similar thing? In short, which if it were not by Caesar (who put to me completely in the world this of the binnacles) and of Fran (that with its writings animated enterame better of as that of the positioning works Web) she would not be in favor I writing trivialities about telendro badalona. But, if the telendros well are not seen? In addition the people who write on telendro do not have nor idea that she is. But worse even she is than there is people who write on telendros and they do not have nor idea that telendro of badalona is him. Barbarians, go. Good, in this telendro post is more telendro badalona than in badalona and almost so many as telendros it has in the Web. But that yes, telendro badalona still we are few and I hope that hard. Telendro badalona a little astonished by the peculiar results that telendro gives to the search badalona in google.

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