
Telendro of Badalona in the hunting

Again the Telendro de Badalona has fallen in the search by telendro to position 121. In addition now, again, it returns to appear like page in Spanish, with which also it returns to fall to the fourth position in the search by Telendro badalona. To goog (we leave it) there is not one that understands it... This raises a question to me, What did goog yesterday? Why that roundtrip? I do not understand anything, why this page appeared yesterday with its title in English and today it appears, again, with its title in Castilian... Who understands to goog that she buys it (good, that way goes the thing, no? after all for that it leaves to stock market, so that that understands it that it buys it. In short, to see as the things in the next days go.

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